Hello to all my blogland buddies!
I missed you bunches!!!
This will be something of a short post as Blogger won't let me publish any more pictures until I increase my pic stash or something like that. For those of you wo are familiar with my computer talents, or lack thereof, this may take a while:).
We are still unpacking so it may be a bit longer before I can visit all of you but I will be by for a visit as soon as possible!
I love you all and thank you for your wonderful comments and support as we move into Faith Cottage!
Sorry I can't get any more pictures posted right now but here are some early morning pics at Faith Cottage:).
The morning sunlight streams through the bedroom curtains.

An old Eastlake mirror reflects sunbeams as they peek through the front door windows.

Silver sparkles in the early morning sunrays.

Crystals shine like diamonds as the sun streams through lace panels.

Shadows glimmer against antique lace.

Even a small bear (this little lady was handmade by Catherine at Bumpkin Bears:) enjoys the early morning light.

But it's not just the bear enjoying it,
Kramer is determined to catch the sun rays!

Or maybe he'll just enjoy the birds singing outside the window.

Until something inside catches his attention!

Of course most cats prefer...

to nap in the sun:).

Calvin prefers to pose for pictures while...

Kasey snoozes on the floor.

Lizzy watches for any sign of movement just beyond the front door.
This flying pig picture now hangs in our media room but used to hang in the infamous bathroom (see the bathtub diaries for more on that subject).
It is a reminder from my dad (you all know him as 'Michael823' from his comments on my blog) to not take life too seriously:).

I'm gonna miss you dad.

August 23, 1946-July 17, 2010