Hello my dear blogland buddies! It is good to be back after something of a long absence. I will get into the reasons behind my absence in a future post but for now I want to share some of the events that have taken place over the past few weeks:).
Last Saturday I was honored to perform as Jane Austen for the JASNA-SC group at Seabrook Island.

A luncheon was served commemorating the 15th anniversary of the group.

Upon arriving at the clubhouse a beautiful beach front view beneath sunny skies greeted us.

We ascended the grand staircase in style.

Here I am as Jane Austen just before the performance.
My dear friend Christine made the dress:).

After a delicious lunch of grilled salmon with chocolate pecan pie for dessert I began my portrayal of Jane Austen.

Many of the ladies were dressed in Regency period attire.

Robin, me, and Libby on the staircase.

Jane Austen wrote often of the beach so it was only proper that I should be photographed with the beach in the background:).

Libby in profile as a lovely Regency lady.

A famous Jane Austen pose.

Jane Austen enjoying the ocean breezes.

Robin and Libby join in on the beauty of the day.

To top off a lovely day of friendship and talk of Jane, I won the door prize!!! The basket was filled with goodies like a bookbag from the recent Jane Austen anuual meeting in Philadelphia, a Regency style headdress, Jane Austen magazines, and a beautiful book on Wedgewood china. It was a blessed day!

I plan on visiting all of my blogland buddies throughout the week and catch up on all of your wonderful posts. I have missed you all greatly and will explain my recent absenteeism from blogland further on Monday's post. Until then all I will say regarding my absence is that it was 'a conspiracy':).
Come back Monday to find out more!
How lovely. It's one of those wish-you-were-here moments, isn't it great that you can share your day with all of us on your blog? Glad to see you're back!
What an honor to portray such a fascinating lady!!
Hope you have a great day!!
Happy Halloween
I must say you make a beautiful Jane Austen! Congratulations on being able to perform as her at what looks to have been a lovely event. AND, congrats on winning the door prize. Glad you had such a fun time!
Can't wait to hear what you've been up to...
How absolutely wonderful! You look lovely as Miss Jane.
Hope all is well with you and yours. Have a lovely Halloween!
The only "conspiracy" I can think of is that Kramer had you locked in the basement until you agreed to bring him to visit me! (At least that's what he told me...)
I bet your performance was awesome. The scenery was beautiful. It must have been an honor for you and a perfect day indeed.
Counting down the hours until Monday to find out where you've been~
everything vintage
Wooops, I forget to tell you that...
Yes - you do look like her!
Hi Kim,
How lovely to have you back.
You make a very beautiful Jane Austen and love the backdrop of the beach.
Well done for winning all the goodies in the door prize.
Look forward to hearing about the conspiracy on Monday.
Happy halloween
Kim you certainly make a beautiful Jane. Your dress is amazing...and that hat!!! This would be a wonderful time. You know I'm a Jane freak!
That looks like such a lovely time! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting today! I had lost touch with you and was glad to find you again! :)
You look simply stunning Kim! What a treat to be at that wonderful place and get to perform there.
Kim! What a wonderful surprise to see you again...I can't wait to hear more about your hiatus. I have to say, I just love your Jane Austen event, and you look smashing as Jane Austen! The costumes and the fun, and the food sounds great...Salmon!! I LOVE THE COSTUMES and they are so much like the ones in Sense and Sensibility! BRAVO and thank you for visiting me! Anita
Oh it looks like it was a truly lovely weekend. Happy you have returned, please do tell of your absence.
You make a beautiful Jane Austen!
The dress is gorgeous, plez tell the seamstress. This was nice to see this post. Thank you for sharing.
This was neat that you received this door prize full of wonderful goodies.
I shall return!
God Bless,
WOW!!!! Kim you really do fit the part of Jane Austen!! Love the outfit. Wish i could have been there to see your for myself. What fun, and that chocolate pecan pie sounds to die for. I was on your blog yesterday and was just about ready to push the publish button for the comment that I wrote, and "bling", it was gone. Oh no!! I do so hate when that happens, my computer is out to get me some days and won't allow me to have all the fun that I would like to be involved it. I love my computer but on those days I would like to give it a little heave out the window (but the thought is short lived !!) :-) Anyway, seems I am not the only one that has not been blogging regularly, but you have a wonderful reason why, I simply let the days get away from me without posting anything. No excuses for me. Take care, and have a grand Monday, reveling still in the feel of being Jane Austen!!! hugs from here, Debby
Dear Kim,
I am so glad you are back! I missed you so much!!! I enjoyed the beautiful photos you shared! You look gorgeous, as do the other ladies! I would have loved to have been there dear friend, and see your perform as Jane Austen. I know you did a beautiful job! I am so happy you won the lovely basket full of pretties!!!
Much love,
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