It's springtime in the Lowcountry with soft breezes wafting over the marshes...

while the rays of an early morning sun shine forth...

as dew drips from the tips of newly formed leaves.

Velvety petals,

in abundance from an ancient rose bush.

Rose buds framed by the prickly leaves of a sega palm.

Glowing petals stretch toward the bluest of spring skies.

Cotton like flowers stand out against bold azalea bushes...

while birds prepare their nests.

Soft lavender petals...

speckled azalea flowers...

soak in the suns warming rays.

As springtime takes hold early bloomers make their appearence.

Stay tuned for more blooms!
These flowers are for you Cathy:)!
Dear Kim,
Lovely pictures with your writings!
Makes me want to unwind and smell the flowers fragrances.
Ummmm...I think I could get use to this.
May you have a sweet week-end and God Bless,
Oh what a lovely site....such beautiful florals you have.
However, the lowlands always would make me think of you have a problem with them there ?
Absolutely beautiful! Wonderful pictures of Beaufort - gee, can I come visit?
Oh Kim!
These pictures are just dreamy, thanks soooooo much for sharing!
Happy Weekend,
So beautiful...can't wait to see more blooms around here.
Dear Kim,
Beautiful words and beautiful photos!!! I enjoyed seeing all of the lovely blooms and landscape!!! The old roses are especially gorgeous! Enjoy spring! Have a good weekend! Love, Paula
Pictures are as beautiful as you are!!!!!! May I have permission to use as wallpaper? You and Daryl are the best neighbors anyone could have. We love ya. Have you tried making the bacon/tomato scones yet?:)
Cathy and Larry
Well said!
Oh Kim, these blossoms are magnificent and match your lovely pink gown that you wore to my birthday ball! Thank you dearest one, for coming to visit with me! I do my best to visit everyone, but it is hard when you only have one computer and the both of us being teachers/writers!!! Blessings to you and PRAISE GOD for His blessings! Anita
Hi Kim,
What a beautiful garden you have and I enjoyed coming for a visit with you today.
The scent must be heavenly.
Happy weekend
hugs & blessings
What beautiful pics!! I really enjoyed seeing all of the flowers because we have dropped back down into the 30's in the mornings and have not gone above 50 here for the past few days! Normal for Norhteastern Pa.!!
I can almost smell the roses....hmmm and so beautiful. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures.
Wow! You have so many pretty things in full bloom already! Makes me want to move south and pitch a tent in your yard so I can just bask in all the beauty!
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