It was a stormy night and Calvin sat on the couch watching with intensity...

the scene from 'Young Frankenstein' as Madelaine Kahn has fainted from terror at the sight of the monster.

Unbeknownst to us all something more terrifying was going on...
Unexplained charges!!!
Yup, you guessed it-all of a sudden unexplained charges began to appear on our credit cards.
Now we have to call the banks and get new numbers and all the other hassle that goes along with it.
Looks like someone tried to buy a castle...

and a yacht!
(It figures that when my yacht comes in I'm on shore taking pictures)!

But then we noticed other strange occurences.
Kramer was spending a lot of time looking out the window.

Here he is enjoying a new scratch pad (you know the 'Catflex 2000' guarenteed to tighten the belly muscles and sharpen the claws at the same time).

Toys began to appear too.

That's when we decided to do a little detective work ourselves and found that...
Kramer was the guilty culprit!

Here he is innocently walking across the keyboard...

but if you look closely he is actually staring at the 'cat-alog' on the chair while using his back paws to enter the item codes!

Now he is planning his escape!

And just like that he's finished!

As 'cat-astrophic' as this situation may seem it actually got me to thinking.
You know how men are always blaming the dog know...stinky stuff?
Well I could start shopping and just blame the cat!

Well, it seemed like a good idea:).
And so we have solved the 'who done it' mystery of the Kramer Chronicles!
The 'tail' end:).
Please ask Kramer to order me some dips from Cravings please. I know he must tpye beterer than I do!!!!
Life would never get boring with such a talented cat that's does your shopping for you!
I remember as a child, we saw trained chickens play pianos.'ve got talent!
Take care,
d from homehaven in kansas
Dear Kim,
Oh, you know how I love the Kramer Chronicles! You are so funny! Kramer is such a ham! I loved the photos, too! You always put a smile on my face!
Love, Paula
OMG That was so funny!!! That was just too funny! You are good at these animal tales!Promise me that you will enter into my next playwright contest? That darn cat! He is awful cute, though...he really has fine taste! Thanks so much for visiting Patricia's sites...isn't she just blow you out of the water amazing? There is so much talent out there. God bless you dear one! Oh, and thank you for your lovely comments on my poetry! Anita
It's me again! I forgot to say thank you for your sweet comments!!! You always bless and encourage me dear friend! I love your Victorian Parlor and always look forward to my visits with you!
Love you,
Too funny! But I wonder who set him up to take the fall for that. I think there's a lot more to this tail.
A nice story. I love the way you do your Kramer Chronicles.
I'm so gullible! I thought this tale was true for a moment. Love the Kramer Chronicles!
I also thought it was true for a spell.
Kim, you are so funny!!! What a wonderful, creative tale you have spun here. It was a tale wasn't it??? Now I'm not too sure...Kramer is one smart cat!
Do you think he'd let us stay in the castle this weekend?
Oh my gosh.... You are too funny and Cramer is the perfect partner in crime....
This is too funny Kim! Love your story!!
That was so hilarious! I never know what Kramer is going to be up to next. You know, I think Kramer would be a great character in a children's book.
psst...Kramer..... Please order me some more yard & crochet thread...
I won't tell a soul!!
Just love Kramer!! He is so like our Max!!
Don't ya' just love them Tuxies????
You may be on to something here Kim. Once you had ordered enough by way of the cat you could use the dogs next... that adds up to at least a month's worth of stuff.
Thank Kramer and the three amigos for today's funny post... laughter is indeed the best medicine.
Haha, such a cute story! Your sweet kitty Kramer reminds me of my own big floppy black and white feline, Zuel. He's passed now, but what a cat - so mellow and HUGE! Now I have my Miss Jane the pug, who snores and snorts and tip-taps all over the wood floors with her little claws. :)
Luv your furry crew :)
I thought it was true! Kramer and his ilk are so sneaky and smart. I'm going to say, yes, this did happen. I see Kramer is looking at those catalogs while typing... Coincidence? I don't think so!
I had better be sure that my cats don't start talking to Kramer!!! Hugs, Catherine xx
Hi Kim,
Kramer makes me smile of all the antics he gets up to.
Many thanks for visiting me this morning, brings comfort.
Dear Kim,
Thank you for your kind words and sweet birthday wishes!!! I have been enjoying your archives and loved your "Be Happy" post. (I love all your posts by the way!) I was very blessed by all you shared, it was beautifully written, and I agree 100%! Your Terra Cottage is not only gorgeous but a very happy home, too!!! Tell Kramer I look forward to his next chronicle and tell the darling doggies I love their posts, too! You have such sweet babies and you do a wonderful job with the writing and photos! It sounds exactly like what they would say! Just think of all the JOY you are giving to others, including me! Love, Paula
Too cute..that Kramer is one talented cat! I also like the last photo you used...what a great "ending". :o)
I love these animal stories as they always put a smile on my face...thank you.
Hahahaa....Fun story!!hughugs
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