My dear friend Paula from
reminded me that I have yet to tell the story of my flying pigs:).
Some are actually flying...
This beautiful old Victorian house stood guard over the park.
Kramer would like to help me show some of the quilt's details.
This is his Vanna White impression as he sweeps his paw across the quilt to show the quilt museum sign.
A closer look at the sign which is appliqued onto the quilt. The flowers and monkey grass are embroidered.
This lady is selling tickets.
Even the squirrels are making an appearance as they check out the recycling bin in the park.
These ladies are selling quilts...
Each person is about 1.5 inches and is hand-appliqued with embroidered accents.
This woman brought her baby along:).
You make it a 'no parking' zone, of course!
Many of the quilts hang from clothes lines between the trees.
A woman and her little girl enjoy the quilts.
If you look closer the little girl has brought her teddy bear along:).
A bluebird brings a snack to her babies.
This woman's dog has something other than quilts on his mind.
Kramer is worn out from all of that pointing. He's going to take a nap now (of course, what cat doesn't love a good nap on a quilt:).
Kim amor, I LOVE your collection of flying pigs and your beautiful quilt, can tell ALOT of loving work went into that...I loved the flying pig in it too, that was truly inspired :) I will have to show you the picture of my only flying pig that I have, her name is Tallulah Belle and she is all that is oh la la and girlie :) Besos, Rose
Holy Smoke Kim...that is a LOT of work on that quilt...I would have lost my eyesight I do belive.
Yep, I can see why they call you the flying pig lady.
Kim, I'm so glad that you've shared this wonderful quilt that you have made.
Alot of work has gone into this one of a kind quilt.
It's so neat,
I so enjoy reading all your posts. The previous one brought a tear to my eye (what a special husband you have) as it was so touching and this post made me smile.
The quilt is just beautiful and so detailed. Oh, and I love the flying pig collection, too! :o)
What an absolutely gorgeous quilt. That is some dedication to detail. Love all your flying pigs!
What a beautiful quilt! And I can't even imagine all the hard work that went into making all the details; but how darling!!!
And thanks to Kramer for being such a good "quilt display helper"!! LOL! Too cute.
I can't even believe the amount of work you have put into that awesome quilt Kim. It is amazing! Pigs would fly before I would even consider trying a feat such as this.
Your collection of pigs is so cute. I am so glad you let us in on way the collection.
Dear Sweet Kim,
Thank you so much for sharing the story of your flying pigs! I enjoyed it so much!!! I loved seeing all your flying pigs, and your quilt is amazingly beautiful!!! I love all of the detail, and Kramer did a wonderful job! Oh, you always make me laugh with your wonderful sense of humor Kim! I can see why you said pigs would fly before you make another quilt like that. It is a true treasure, and I can only imagine all the time and love that went into it.
Thank you again for sharing the flying pig story! It is alway such a joy to visit with you!
Much love dear friend!
P.S. I left a comment on Madai's blog, right after yours, and read your kind words! I feel the very same about you! I consider you as one of my dearest blog buddies! You are an amazing and kind woman. I am so thankful the Lord brought us together. And thank you for saying that. It really blessed me and helped me, for I have been feeling quite low lately. Bless you!!!
I don't think I have ever seen such a wonderful quilt! I wish I had half your skill ! So glad I found my way to your lovely blog via the beautiful Laughing with Angels :)
Wow, what an amazing and special quilt! I can see how it took so long to complete... all the details are wonderful! A true work of art, I must say! I've known pig collectors, but you're the first flying pig collector I know! What a fun, whimsical collection.
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