Come with me for a glimpse into Kramer's morning.

Kramer watching me as I post on the blog:).

Kramer is a water-obsessed cat. He loves to play and watch water. Here he is playing in the tub...

when all of a sudden a bird outside the window catches his eye.

He runs to get a closer look!

Oooo...birds dining at the birdfeeder outside the window!

Kramer watches as the bird flies away.
(In case you haven't noticed the bathroom design was done with Kramer in mind. The window sills were made larger so he could sit comfortably and look outside. The bird feeder and bird bath were placed within view so he could bird watch and a comfy stool sits beside the tub for resting or watching:).
By now you're probably wondering why rainbows and frogs were mentioned in the post title...

We had some heavy thunder storms that resulted in a beautiful rainbow over Terra Cottage later in the evening.

Once the storm subsides Kramer gets up from his evening nap and stretches...

while a frog on the outside of the French door looks inside.

The frog stretches too:).

Kramer spies the frog (and wonders what mom is doing outside with the camera).

Kramer gets a closer look...

but loses interest quickly.
So much for the evening of frog watching!
I would like to thank David Mcmahon for nominating 'Good Morning from Terra Cottage' for his 'Post of the Day'! I am truly honored:).
Happy blogging! (Of course my froggy friend above would like to wish everyone 'happy frogging' too:).