You are cordially invited to a Blog Tea Party at the Victorian Parlor on June 6th.

With roses blooming and birdsong lilting it's time to put on your best hat and lace gloves to gather with friends for tea:)

RSVP to this post and I will add your blog to the list of attendees. On June 6th we will all gather together in blogland for our virtual tea party. Invite your friends to the party too! The more the merrier:)

On the day of the blog tea party please post pictures of your teapot, tea cup and saucer, and other goodies that you will be enjoying (and any friends that have joined you:). We will all have tea together and toast to the blessings of tea and good friends.

The week prior to the tea party I will be posting some of my favorite tea time recipes. I encourage all to post their favorite tea time recipes so there will be a good variety of food for all!

But wait, there’s more!
Because we have all been so blessed I ask that you do the same for others. In order to attend the tea party please donate canned goods and/or dry goods to your local food bank so that others may be blessed too.

Kramer says he hopes to see you (and your friends) on June 6th in the parlor:)
That is such a great idea! Thanks for the invitation, I would love to attend.
I'll be sure to post my tea items that day and I'm putting a reminder note on the frig now to drop of some groceries at the food pantry.
Hi Kim,
What a sweet idea.
Thank you so much for the invitation and I would love to be there.
It is my husbands birthday on the 6th so may even be a cake to share.
Will drop some food off at the Food bank.
Enjoy your week
Great idea! I'll be there! I have a lovely tea set that belonged to my Gramma that I can share :)
~ Karen
Oh Kim!
My first tea party!!!!
I am IN!
I will certainly drop off some canned goods at the food bank on my way to the thrift store!!! Yay!
Can you tell how excited I am???
Let me go clean the house & gather my prettiest tea is coming!!! Yay!
everything vintage
Thank you Dear Lady for the invitation to a Tea Party June 6th.
What a neat idea and such fun.
Please accept my RSVP and I'll be there with bells on!!!
Have to go shopping...I don't have a thing to wear. Oh my goodness.
Can't wait for the big date.
Looking forward for the fellowship.
from HomeHaven nestled in the Kansas Flinthills
Add me to the list! I'd better get started now - so many decisions to be made on tea flavors, scone recipes, which teapot and teacup to use...
Thanks so much for the invitation for tea... I cordially accept and will make ready to attend .... See you then....
What a terrific idea! Thank you for inviting me...I am officially responding, Yes!
lady m
How exciting! A wonderful way to celebrate friendship!
I hope to attend, but I can't commit as yet, for I will most likely be keeping my dear little granddaughters. Both parents are about to be working, and it appears I will be taking care of them for a while.
I will still be blogging, but my exact schedule is to be known. Olivia is 2, and Ella is 10 months, which is delightful, but very unpredictable as to specific hours of my day in which I'll be free.
Whether or not I am able to be with you online, I will most definitely be with you in spirit. I would relish the opportunity to share an afternoon with you and others.
By the way, I noticed while posting a comment to Deanna, that you left wonderful instructions for brewing a perfect pot of tea. I am going to go back and copy the directions. Also, I was so thankful to read about making decaf tea, for I'm not supposed to have caffeine. So, I appreciate your thoughtfulness and detail.
Thank you for your dear friendship, which I so treasure. Many blessings to you today and always.
With Christ's Love,
What a fun idea! By the way...Kramer looks like he's up to no good! ;)
Kim, LOVE your tea party idea, I will try my hardest to be a part of it all that day!! I will have to go search for a nice tea pot to post, only have tiny simple ones. I just love your collection. I went thru the comments and found the blog where you commented on how to make perfect tea and copied the instructions. Round about and round about we all go, thru the blogs and the comments, from one to the other, until we come up with what we are looking for. I am so glad that you left that comment, I know now how to make good tea!! Thanks for sharing that with someone else, but in turn with the rest of us! :-) take care, Debby
I am so glad your tea party is in June, so I can attend. I can't wait to put my blue and white canton teapot to good use. I love tea parties!!
I would love to attend your tea party. At this point I think it will work out , but if something changes I will let you know.
I haven't been to a tea party in years. I'm not sure I will be able to have my own. We are in the process of listing our house, but I will there to enjoy yours.
This sounds like fun....I am anticipating your recipes with tea...Love Tiina...
Come on over to my blog for a huge Give Away!!
Just found your blog this morning -- completely identify with the idea of being born in the wrong era. Love your idea for a blog tea party
Your tea party sounds like a wonderful idea! I'll try to stop by. :)
Hi Kim!
Please accept my RSVP for tea! It will be a pleasure to meet you!
Also, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate it!
Hmmm...I wonder if I can tat something up in time, LOL! Maybe I will participate in this...I'll say a tentative "yes" and then if I can't get it all tatted in time...I'll ask you to withdraw my that okay???
Kim ~ I've been waiting to share a good cup of tea with friends! Count me in! I'm looking forward to it! ~Stacy~
Oh how fun! I'm RSVP'ing! And I'll donate some canned goods to my church food pantry. See you then!
Thanks for the invitation...I would love to be part of the tea party..I can't wait to see your recipes.. I also can't wait to see all the pretty teapot and teacups...
OH IT SOUNDS WONDERFUL please count me in, I might even bring a pony.
What a wonderful idea... this will be my first tea party. Thank you for the invitation, and I accept.
Mrs. Teapot
Hi Kim;
Would not think of missing your party, please consider this my RSVP. Also, I already have my favorite tea recipe linked on my blog at:, but would like to know how I can get a copy of the invitation to also post it on the blog as well. Went to Jodi's blog, but did not see how to add graphic. Please let me know. Have been visiting some wonderful blogs since I met you. Really interested in making more friends over TEA!
Thanks for visiting my blog too, and for your kind comments.
Many Blessings,
Thank you so very much for your invitation, I graciously accept. I will do the teapots and all, and take food into the food pantry on my usual Monday.
I will be there! June 6 is always so special to our family since it is the anniversary of my mother's birthday! Thank you for the invitation! I accept with pleasure!
Oh, how lovely. I absolutely will be there. Joining me will be Miss Gracie, Nippy, Muffy and Mr. Bear. We can't wait. Muffy is primping already and Mr. Bear is so excited he's beginning to lose his stuffing!
Please add me to the tea party guest list...thank you!
~Cheryl @
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